Private Search Engines
Today when the average person searches for something on the internet they use Google. After all Google was a search engine first before it became a giant data corporation. There are pros and cons to using Google's services. First is Google's business model. First and foremost Google is a data company. In contrast to a company such as Mozilla. Google's business model has never been a commitment to user privacy and stores every move its users make so that it can aggregate that data into useful services and monetize it. That can lead to a problem when a user would like to run internet searching for information that they expect to not be stored in a profile.
That is where the search engine DuckDuck go comes in. DuckDuck go claims that they don't store your information ever. I am a big fan of the DuckDuck go privacy model. I understand the place for data and what Google does with data is certainly impressive. Yet sometimes I feel more comfortable with the piece of mind that every term I enter into a search engine doesn't go on my permanent record.
That is where the search engine DuckDuck go comes in. DuckDuck go claims that they don't store your information ever. I am a big fan of the DuckDuck go privacy model. I understand the place for data and what Google does with data is certainly impressive. Yet sometimes I feel more comfortable with the piece of mind that every term I enter into a search engine doesn't go on my permanent record.
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